Karl K. Gallagher, a frequent Prometheus Best Novel finalist, has published his second story collection.
Unmitigated Acts, published June 17 by Kelt Haven Press, follows the publication of Ultimate Conclusions, his first story collection (announced in April in an Author’s Update on the Prometheus blog.)
In its 235 pages, Unmitigated Acts collects 17 stories from Gallagher’s Substack blog. Perhaps most notably, Gallagher’s latest anthology includes a novelette in his multiple-Prometheus-finalist Fall of the Censor series.
Karl K. Gallagher, a frequent Prometheus Best Novel finalist, is about to publish Ultimate Conclusions, his first collection of short stories.
Most stories in the anthology will be stories Gallagher has published in other collections or webzines, but several will be new.
“They range from the tale of an Amish boy on the Moon to visits with a Norse God and Death himself,” Gallagher said on Kickstarter, where he has been getting support for the project.
Note: Here is the latest author’s update about Travis Corcoran, and a follow-up to a previous blog post. (Submissions of news and updates from other Prometheus-recognized authors – whether nominees, finalists or winners – are welcome and will be considered for publication.)
Prometheus-winning author Travis Corcoran recently shared some glimpses into the subjects and themes of two of his upcoming sf novels.
Right and Duty and Absolute Tyranny respectively will be the third and fourth novels in Corcoran’s four-part Aristillus series.
The novels will continue the story in the future-history series that Corcoran launched with The Powers of the Earth and its sequel Causes of Separation, set partly on the Earth but mostly in a functioning-with-challenges anarcho-capitalist colony on the Moon. Both novels won the Prometheus Award for Best Novel, with Powers winning in 2018 and Causes winning in 2019.
Corcoran reports that he is working simultaneously on both the third and fourth novels in the series, “which are still very libertarian in background,” he said.