MarRecently a group unaffiliated with the LFS created a web site called Libertarian Fiction Authors to gather and promote libertarian writers of fiction, across all genres. There are currently over 40 individuals listed in their directory, spanning several genres and publication methods, from traditional print to eBooks, mainstraim publishers to self-published novels.
In 2014 the LFA, together with Students for Liberty, created a short story contest. By the time the LFA announced the close of the contest, they had received over 150 entries. They announced the winners and runners up of the contest in March. The winners are scheduled to appear in the Students for Liberty magazine, Ama-gi.
Whether this becomes an annual contest remains to be seen, but this clearly shows there are large numbers of libertarian writers actively being published or trying to get published. The rise of non-traditional publishing such as Kindle, iBooks, and other outlets, combined with social media outlets like Twitter, Facebook, and the like, points to new opportunities for writers, as well as ways for readers to discover new authors. With self-publishing no longer simply the venue of vanity presses, established authors such as
also have begun to convert backlisted items into Kindle versions.Another possible site of interest is Liberty Island. While this site leans more toward the conservative spectrum, the focus on fiction could lead to some interesting new discoveries. Prometheus Award-winning author interviewed the site’s founders on PJ Media recently.
With the expanding markets for libertarian fiction, or fiction dealing with liberty, it will be interesting to see what sort of stories appear.
—David Wayland
[Editor’s note: the preceding comments include several links to websites. As this appears in print rather than online, copying and pasting these links won’t work. Rather than typing in the links in a browser, those interested in exploring these ideas further might enter keywords into their favorite search engine. There is also a chance these links some time in the future will stop working.]
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