Volume 18, Number 4, December, 2000

Hall of Fame Award Finalists Selected

The Hall of Fame Awards Committee has selected five candidates for the 2001 Hall of Fame Award, to be presented May 26, 2001 at the first LFScon. The location of LFSCon will be the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. LFSCon is taking place concurrently with MarCon 36, a general interest science fiction convention with annual attendance over 3,000, and the award ceremony is scheduled during intermission at the MarCon masquerade. L. Neil Smith and Victoria Varga will lead the awards ceremony, which will include a roll call recital of all past Hall of Fame winners. For more information on MarCon/LFScon, see the September 2000 issue of Prometheus, or consult the MarCon Web site at http://www.marcon.org.

This year's award is the first to take place under the new rules for the award, which expand eligibility, formerly limited to novels, to narrative and dramatic works in any form or medium. One of the finalists, The Survival of Freedom, is an anthology edited by Jerry Pournelle; another, "The Measure of a Man," was an episode on Star Trek: The Next Generation, scripted by novelist Melinda Snodgrass. The other nominees are all novels.

All members of the Libertarian Futurist Society are eligible to vote for this award. Ballots are enclosed in this issue of Prometheus; when completed, they should be [returned] to Libertarian Futurist Society Director Victoria Varga at 89 Gerhardt Rd, Penfield, New York 14526. E-mail may be directed to vvarga@compuserve.com. Ballots for the Hall of Fame Award must be received no later than March 31, 2001.

Members of the Libertarian Futurist Society interested in serving on the judging committee for next year's Hall of Fame Award may apply to Lynn Maners at 2242 E 3rd Street, Tucson, Arizona 85716-4121. E-mail may be directed to landn@AZStarNet.com. This committee is open to basic members, full members, sponsors, and benefactors.

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