Volume 18, Number 3, September, 2000

New Special Awards Rules, Committee Established

By Michael Grossberg

For years, many LFS members have urged us to expand the Prometheus Awards to recognize occasional outstanding work in other categories besides Best Novel and Best Classic Fiction (Hall of Fame). Now, that talk has led to action. Inspired by the first Special Award given to "Free Space," the landmark libertarian sf anthology, the LFS Board of Directors has approved rules and nomination deadlines for future special awards. The new, open-ended Special Awards category includes—but is not limited to-best Dramatic presentation, Best Short Fiction, Best Nonfiction, and Lifetime Achievement.

Unfortunately, award-caliber works in these areas don't appear every year-which is why LFS leaders have not acted on members' suggestions before. However, we are confident that the new awards rules and organizational structure outlined below will allow the LFS to more efficiently and comprehensively consider Special Awards.

For maximum flexibility, there shall be no limits on the number of Special Awards presented annually—but also no requirement for annual awards.

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