Volume 3, Number 3, Summer, 1985

News Notes

New Space Cadet

THE EDITOR OF THIS NEWSLETTER PROUDLY announces the birth of her first child; a son, on May 8th, Named Dylan Keaton Sanders (the last name from his father, John T. Sanders), he spends his non-eating and awake hours staring at the front covers of the SF books his mother is reading and looking at the sky—and thus another space cadet is born.


THE FREELAND III CONFERENCE, WHICH was held in April in Long Beach, California and was partially sponsored by the Libertarian Futurist Society, was a success. The LFS literature table attracted many interested attendees and LFS members Samuel Konkin, Victor Koman, and Howard Hinman participated in a science fiction panel.

Libertarian Optimism

AT LAST YEAR'S FUTURE OF FREEDOM Conference, Michael Grossberg gave a speech titled "The Case for Libertarian optimism." The speech received an enthusiastic response and it is now available in cassette form. To order your copy send $10 to Michael Grossberg, Box 1743, Apple Valley, CA 92307.

More Space without NASA

AGAIN WE WOULD LIKE T0 REMIND OUR readers about an excellent newsletter, The Commercial Space Report: a Monthly Newsletter on Free Enterprise in Space. The current issue, for instance, contains articles about the problems of Starstruck, Inc. and their Dolphin Launch vehicle; a company called Society Expeditions, which is promoting space tourism; the progress of Third Millenium Inc's Space Van, an alternative to NASA'S Space Shuttle and a report on Geostar and other private satellite navigation companies. Subscriptions can be ordered for $15/year from P.O. Box 60547, Sunnyvale, CA 94088.

13th Future of Freedom

THE 13TH ANNUAL FUTURE OF FREEDOM Conference (the oldest individualist/decentralist/libertarian conference in the nation) will be held on October 25th, 26th, and 27th at Griswold's Hotel in Fullerton, California. Ray Bradbury will be the main speaker, Michael Grossberg will be holding a workshop and giving out the Mencken Award, and Jeff Riggenbach will give a talk on "The New Prohibition." Information can be obtained from P.O. Box 26044, Santa Ana. California 92799.

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